Elsoff. Plan Optik AG expands its range of products which are available off the shelf to feature new materials! Additionally Plan Optik releases a product catalogue including all stock products with detailed information and specification!
In respond to the increasing number of customers in need for blank wafers with fast delivery time Plan Optik AG, the leading manufacturer of wafers from glass, quartz and glass-silicon compound materials extends its range of stock products. After excellent feedback on blank stock wafers from borosilicate glass and semiconductor grade quartz, Plan Optik now offers further wafers with fixed specifications. To the existing number of over 50 different types of wafers available off the shelf, Plan Optik now adds 3 new materials for wafers to their stock products:
NEW: UHP Fused Silica Wafers
Ultra-High-Purity Fused Silica is the material of choice when it comes to high demands for transmission in UV range and chemical purity. The material features extremely low trace metal and OH content, enabling the use in high temperature processes. The outstanding performance has made this material to an indispensable material in manufacturing of leading edge semiconductors and optical applications and it thus perfectly adds to Plan Optik’s portfolio of materials for stock products. After the introduction of this Fused Silica about two years ago there was a consistent request for wafers from this material. For this reason Plan Optik now offers wafers from this high purity fused silica in 100 mm as well as 150 mm and 200 mm diameters with different thicknesses.
NEW: Silicon-On-Glass Wafers
Wafers from permanently bonded silicon and cte adapted glass can be used in MEMS manufacturing for the fabrication of membranes. Furthermore SOG wafers can be used to replace Standard SOI wafers with higher insulation to create new technologies and products in semiconductor and MEMS manufacturing. As the market and number of applications for these wafers is growing Plan Optik adds Silicon-On-Glass wafers to their range of stock wafers. Both 150 mm and 200 mm SOG wafers with either thin glass on silicon base plate or thin silicon on glass base are available. This enables fast delivery of reasonably priced low and average quantity SOG wafers to be used as substrates for first tests and evaluation.
NEW: Alkaline Free Glass Wafers
Virtually alkaline free wafers can be used in CMOS fabrication. The coefficient of thermal expansion (cte) which is adapted to Silicon makes them suitable for use in combination with silicon wafers. Due to their extraordinary mechanical stability these wafers are also often used as Carrier wafers for ultra thin wafer handling in semiconductor and MEMS processing. Since the need for wafers from alkaline free glass is increasing as well as high volume orders from customers using these wafers as Carrier wafers, 150 mm and 200 mm diameter wafers from alkaline free glass are now featured as new stock products and available off the shelf. Due to Plan Optik’s manufacturing capabilities all wafers can be manufactured according to customer specifications with customized diameter, thickness or adjusted specifications as lower mechanical tolerances or ttv. Additionally wafers can be patterned with cavities or through holes using one of Plan Optik’s patterning technologies such as micro blasting, etching, mechanical or laser patterning.
NEW: Product Catalogue
By adding more than 10 wafers to their stock product list – now featuring over 80 products – Plan Optik publishes its first catalogue of stock products. This catalogue shows all stock products that are available off the shelf including wafers from different materials, thicknesses and diameters from 2″ up to 300 mm.
In order to guarantee the highest quality, Plan Optik employs a quality management system certified as per IATF 16949, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001.
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